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PCB price reduction for large boards
708 1 Jul 16.2019, 18:43:52

I have a design in mind which will be 12cmx14cm (or maybe 12x13) and I wanted to make a lot of it to reduce the cost, maybe get something like 1$ per board. I don't quite understand penalization since the terms used by cheap manufacturers are not precise or maybe I didn't get it right.
Anyway, how to reduce the cost for making say 20 or 100 pieces of these boards so cheaply (without assembly)? I don't know the standard panel size used so that confused me more. Also, I have another 2 smaller ones (front and back panels) which I need the same amount for each one. Thus making more panels or put the 3 boards on one panel.
I am looking forward to your generous responses. 

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Jul 17.2019, 09:46:04

Maybe tweaking the panelization will help much. If you simply ask for a quote for 100 boards, the board dimensions define the minimal "cell size", which you cannot easily change. I assume all the online quoting systems check how that board can be best fitted into the PCB manufacturer's panel size, and base their quote on that, so they do the panelization for you. (If their systems are really dumb, it may be worth a try swapping the width and height dimensions...)
For the front and back panel baords, you can try asking for quotes for the individual boards, and alternatively for the two boards combined (separated by a V-groove or milled cut and tabs). 

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