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Problem printing pcb for etching using KiCad. Not sure what the deal is.
813 1 May 23.2019, 09:42:05

Hey Guys

I just finished laying out the traces for my pcb in KiCad and I want to print out the pcb on transparency film and etch it my self, but I'm running into a problem. When I print out the pcb a couple of the smd mounted parts print out "hollow". Example below. 

However when I select the "No drill mark" in the Pads Drill Opt. They aren't hollow, but I loose my drill holes. Example below. 

So my question is how do I get this pcb to print properly so that my smd parts aren't hollow? Why does the drill property affect it anyway?
Also another curious thing is that I select the option to print black and white, but some of the parts print in color any way. It's not a big deal for me, but I'd like to know why this is happening if anyone knows.

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May 23.2019, 10:27:34

Most PCBs are produced from Gerber 'plot' - files for the copper 2D layout and Excellon/G-code-ish 'Drill' files that define the holes.
Maybe try outputting Gerbers and drill-files from KiCad and printing on paper/film from another program that knows how to open Gerber+Drill and has better printer support than KiCad.


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