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Adding CCFL light or LED backlight to a 6 digit/ 7 segment LCD display
1202 1 Mar 18.2020, 18:07:14

Is possible to add CCFL light or LED backlight to a 6 digit/7 segment LCD display which has no backlight from the beginning?  I have seen some article about doing that many years ago (could not find now...) by removing the reflective shield layer from the backside , not sure if I should separate that shield from a possible layer (polarization ?)  between it and the LCD glass or other consideration that I should be aware off.
ATtached 2  images  from the LCD display
Many thanks in advance!. 

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Mar 23.2020, 09:49:10

It really depends on the display and whether there's room. Also it's difficult to get a nice smooth illumination, EL strip does work well though if you have space and power budget for the inverter.

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