
Electronic Project Engineer's Best Partner!
FedEx Shipping Rates Adjusted, Up to 30% Down
1006 1 Aug 21.2023, 17:27:55

Dear PCBGOGO Loyal Customers, We are very pleased to announce that our cooperation with FedEx has taken another step forward. After long and hard negotiations, we have finally reached an agreement with FedEx to reduce FedEx shipping rates by 10% to 30% (depending on different countries). 

This freight rate reduction applies to all customers who use FedEx shipping service through our company. This means that from now on you will be able to enjoy more favorable prices when choosing FedEx as your shipping method.

We are always committed to providing our customers with the best quality service and the most satisfying experience. This shipping rate reduction is our effort to reward our customers for their continued support and trust. We believe that the shipping fee reduction can reduce your costs and increase your satisfaction.

We will continue to work closely with FedEx to provide you with faster and more reliable shipping services. Thank you for your continued support of our company and we look forward to continuing to serve you.

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Nov 23.2023, 09:54:50

It's great to know that PCBGOGO was able to negotiate reduced shipping rates with FedEx. This is a bitlife positive development for PCBGOGO customers, as it will make shipping their orders by FedEx more affordable. The company's commitment to providing high-quality service is evident in its efforts to reduce shipping costs and improve the overall customer experience. 

